One of the lowest footprint
packaging materials in the world!
Our material looks beautiful and is made from 100% natural wood; hence, we are often asked if we are cutting down forests for our packaging?
On the contrary, our packaging material actually helps prevent deforestation by a factor of 10, as well as saving even larger amounts of other resources when we compare our material to the main alternatives on the market, such as paper, cardboard, and plastics.
We are a clean technology startup, so it’s crucial that we are transparent regarding our carbon footprint, including the sourcing of the wood, logistics, energy, water, and afterlife. Altogether, we are analyzing our footprint with a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
For example, compared to of paper and carton, we need:
- 3000x less water – we’re talking about millions of litres of fresh water
- 50x less energy
- 10x less wood
- 0 chemicals (instead of ca 50)
We need just a fraction of the resources compared to current alternatives. Our production is clean, and our products are 100% natural and harmless to nature after use – they are actually food for the soil.

As a cleantech startup, a transparent carbon footprint is our core value proposition for both our clients and the environment as a whole.
1m3 of wood =
20m3 of Raiku
We can turn 1 m³ of wood into 20 m³ of packaging material. That’s one of the most efficient uses of raw materials in the world and means that we only need to use a fraction of the wood, while also valorising the wood to a degree much higher than competing wood industries.
Low on water & energy
We need very small amounts of water and energy since our technology is radically different from existing solutions. We have removed most of the resource-intensive processes compared to traditional wood-related industries.
No chemicals are involved in the process. That’s right – our material is 100% clean and compostable after use, returning to the natural cycle. Another positive aspect is that our production process itself is completely clean, causing no harm to the air or soil.