We produce 100% compostable, beautiful and protective packaging to substitute single use plastic packaging.

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“From Wood to Wrap: RAIKU Redefines Protection” – tocco Interview


RAIKU was recently interviewed by tocco, the innovative platform where brands can shop for low-carbon and regenerative materials. ♻️

During the interview, we got into RAIKU’s pioneering approach to sustainable packaging and discussed the results of our comprehensive Life Cycle Analysis (LCA).

Here’s a glimpse into our chat:

“Can you elaborate on the life cycle analysis (LCA) results that demonstrate RAIKU’s packaging materials’ lower footprint compared to conventional bubble wrap, paper, and other packaging materials?”

“In our LCA, we have analysed the transportation, raw material, energy and water use, and the end life of our products. Eco-friendly is a very relative concept, for example, many people consider paper and cartons as eco-friendly products but it is one the highest resource-intensive industries in the world. We have to look at the footprint analysis of both the production stage and the end life of our packaging materials.

For example, compared to paper and carton production RAIKU reduces wood use by over 90%, energy use by 98% and water use by 99.9%. In addition, chemical use will be reduced by 100% as we use none. Compared to paper/carton, RAIKU’s material offers a minimally 10 times smaller CO2 footprint.

The key to our case is how can we minimally process the biomaterials with maximum resource efficiency – if we can give 20 times more volume to the raw material (paper needs 2kg of wood for 1kg of paper), and if we need only 5 litres of water for 1 cubic metre instead of 50 000 litres of heated water, and we do not need 6 tons of chemical sludge for 1 ton of end product, then the math is simple. We can make a much lower carbon footprint product that is 100% natural, and it can be cheap because we need so much less costly inputs.”

Bet you want to read more, so here you go.